

智百威收银系统解决方案国际版:BESTWAY Business Chain System 正式发布!


企业介绍 /company introduction

深圳市智百威科技发展有限公司 ,成立于2003年,专注零售餐饮信息化创新应用,是中国商业信息化、数字门店方案供应商与践行者。智百威的用户遍布全球,有着专业的海内外服务经验。

company introduction/企业介绍

Shenzhen Bestway Technology Development Co., Ltd., founded in 2003, specializes in innovative applications of information technology in retail catering and is a supplier and practitioner of China's commercial informationization and digital store solutions. Bestway has users all over the world and boasts professional service experience both at home and abroad.

BESTWAY Business Chain System

为给海外用户提供更专业的门店收银解决方案,智百威推出BESTWAY Business Chain System。

BESTWAY Business Chain System为门店提供商品、会员、档案、库存、促销、采购、入库、盘点、收银、税率等管理。系统提倡向导式、搜索式、自定义式的操作原理,每个岗位的人员都能快速上手使用。

To provide overseas users with more professional store checkout solutions, Bestway has launched the BESTWAY Business Chain System.

BESTWAY Business Chain System provides management for stores in areas such as merchandise, membership, archive, inventory, promotion, procurement, warehousing, inventory check, checkout, and tax rate. The system advocates guided, searchable, and customizable operating principles, enabling personnel in each position to quickly get started and use it.


Functional highlights


Support both Chinese and English languages

BESTWAY Business Chain System支持中文、英文双语言同时使用,在系统里一键切换,互不影响。

BESTWAY Business Chain System Support Chinese and English languages used at the same time, in the system one key switch, do not affect each other.


Currency custom


The system supports the customization of each country currency. After setting the corresponding exchange rate, the data will be automatically calculated according to the local currency.


Dual-language display of product labels


The system provides Chinese and English dual-language commodity price tag printing, to provide convenient shopping for local residents and Chinese people.


The cashier receipt automatically pulls the tax amount


Store cashier receipt format supports custom design style, automatically pull out the commodity price, tax rate amount.


The cashier's front desk supports customization


The cashier can customize the operation interface of the cashier according to their habits, and the shortcut keys can also be modified according to their own habits, which greatly improves the efficiency of the cashier.


Intelligent tube warehouse scientific purchase


The store can set the upper limit and lower limit of the inventory quantity, when the quantity is triggered, the system background will remind the goods to purchase or do not purchase temporarily, scientific storage, is conducive to capital turnover.


The promotion is flexible and diverse


There are a large number of promotional activities in the store system, such as store-wide promotions, quantity discounts, X money spent for N% off, X money spent for N money off, and so on.


Clear tax management


Some countries have already connected with the tax system, so our system can synchronize data to the tax bureau, issue invoices, and manage bills, etc.


Strictly control permissions


Management permissions can be set accordingly based on departments, groups, levels, individuals, and so on. In addition, the approval of documents can be set to have multiple layers of approval, standardizing store processes and enhancing business security.


Efficient  mobile inventory check

门店支持使用PDA移动盘点,边扫描商品边累计库存数量 ,库存数据一键上传同步至后台。

Stores support the use of PDA mobile inventory checks, which allows for the accumulation of inventory quantities while scanning products, and the inventory data can be uploaded and synchronized to the background with a single button.



At present, Bestway has served dozens of countries around the world, single store stores, chain stores, tourism supermarkets and other enterprises, and has successfully been recognized by customers, and the slogan "where there is consumption, there is Bestway" has sounded around the world!Bestway, Professional for overseas retailers to provide super solutions for digital intelligence stores.

Bestway, Professional for overseas retailers to provide super solutions for digital intelligence stores.